Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Blog post 2: Supreme Court

Supreme Court Video part1 Supreme Court Video Part 2

Things I Learned about the Supreme Court

There have only been about 100 Supreme Court justices over the course of America's History.

The Supreme court said that an act of congress was unconstitutional

They only accept about 100 cases a year.

The Hearings are all public.

Each side of the Supreme Court cases has 30 minutes to make their argument to the judges.

After a case is determined the winning side has to write an opinion on their reasoning.
It takes about four weeks to write an opinion of the course case.
Each judge may also write an opinion if they disagree or agree but disagree with the reasoning. 
Opinions can be up to 80 pages long and within hours they will be summarized and realized on tv or in articles of what they decided and why.

Most Important Takeaway Point 

The Supreme Court Justices are people too all each with their own opinion which can make things complicated as views on issues change.

The most surprising thing I learned

The supreme court implemented a system so that each justice gets a chance to speak before someone speaks for a second time. This allows everyone's opinion to be heard without having interruptions and gives each Justice the same chance to speak.

How the video changed how I view the supreme court.

I now can see a more detailed process of how the supreme court works. I already knew what they did but I now have learned more about the process and complications that go with that. I also think that The Supreme Courts' decision is important because that will go into effect for the rest of America's history. I guess I already knew that but until watching this video that did not really click in my head. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

5 News Sources I use

 5. Instagram 

Instagram is a good news source as it allows you to see the community's perspective on a lot of topics through the usage of hashtags. Instagram also recommends similar posts to the ones you frequently interact with. Although Instagram has a great variety of content the quality is not always the best.

4. Snapchat

I always feel bad when I see news from Snapchat. Its news section is filled with Tik Tok drama and beauty stuff that I don't care about. So when I see news on Snapchat that does interest me I typically read the headline and then google it and read an article about it that is more reliable. It's not that I think the news headlines on Snapchat are wrong it's more so that I don't want to say I learned this from Snapchat. Also sometimes I learn about things when my friends post about something.

3. Friends and Family

Most people trust their friends and family more than strangers. While more than likely they probably do not have any extra insight on the issue they are more likely to sway your opinion. When my mom tells me about something that is happening in the world it will mean more to me than if I just happen to see it on my phone. Also, the people you talk to will most likely have a different opinion than you. It can be super beneficial to discuss your point of view and issues with one another. Of course in a civil way that doesn't ruin relationships.

2. Twitter

A lot of the community is able to voice their opinions on twitter. I see a lot of new information from the trending section on twitter which shows which hashtags are being talked about most within a period of time.This allows people to easily find what issues are happening within communities you most frequently engage with and communities that are being most mentioned in general.

1. Youtube

I personally spend a good portion of my free time on Youtube. As such a lot of News that I see is posted on youtube. Videos also generally tend to have more detail and opinions than twitter. Watching a ten minute video about something gives you a ton of more information than reading about something on Twitter. 

Final Presentation

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