Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Eight Values of Expression.

Theory of Innovation

    The seventh value of free expression is the theory that it promotes innovation. So essentially what that means is that if free expression is encouraged and protected that people will express themselves in many creative and different ways. I'm not sure if the reasoning is to stand out so people notice you more or if the reasoning is that it awakens your creativity. Either way, we can see evidence of this all over the internet. Take Youtube for example. There are all types of videos on that website made by tons of different people discussing pretty much every topic. Whether it's music videos, politics, makeup tutorials, or gaming videos there are millions of completely original content posted every single day. This leads to people in the community continuously trying to outperform one another. These videos take a ton of creativity. For many years that's how Youtube worked. It was quality over quantity to be successful. From what I heard it would often take up to 100 hours to make a really good 20-minute gaming video. You would have to play the game write a script sort through the gameplay footage record the script, and edit the video. And so to make a good video creators would spend tons of time being creative to make a good video. It was typical a few years ago to only have a video come out from one creator every couple of months. But eventually, some people started hiring editors to speed up the video creation process. so they can release more frequently. Some people even had multiple editors so they could be working on multiple videos at a time. That was the next innovation made for youtube was the realization of editors. Over time having a few editors evolved into having 6 editing teams. And so people would post up to even twice a day and still get millions of views. Now you may be asking yourself what does this have to do with the theory of innovation? Well, I believe that Youtube has evolved from people expressing themselves and competing to be the most creative into finding the most creative way to make as many videos as quickly as possible. Almost every YouTuber that used to do all of the editing themselves that I used to watch either switched formats and hired editors or rarely release anything at all. Everyone except for my favorite YouTubers "Videogamedunkey". He even made a somewhat parody somewhat serious video addressing this topic. Here's a link if you are interested. I'm done making good videos. YouTube is still a relatively new medium of expressing yourself. It's been around for over 15 years but still, it's constantly evolving and changing and people are constantly trying to figure out new ways to be creative on the platform. And this is just one platform on the internet where you can freely express yourself. Now obviously there are some restrictions as it is a company. But for the most part, you can say whatever you want and anyone's voice can be heard. About 10 years ago I made a lego stop motion video and it got a couple thousand views so believe me I do mean anyone can be heard. And that's pretty impressive for a ten-year-old.  

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