Saturday, April 3, 2021

Ex Walmart employee drives Car through Walmart

What Happened?

Just the other day a man drove his car through the Walmart. This is the same Walmart that I have been going to my whole life and this whole story sounds absolutely crazy. Apparently, he was upset from being fired and did this in retaliation knocking over shelves and causing massive damage to the entire store. I feel like this is something that would typically happen in a movie or something. But at least in the movies, it's generally a more interesting reason than being upset about getting fired. The man was later arrested and the car is currently still in the Walmart. The man was charged with two felonies being breaking and entering and Assult with a deadly weapon on government property. Now, why did this happen? What do you gain from doing this? Obviously, no normal person has this train of thought. However, I am glad nobody was hurt and find this story absolutely hilarious. 

But there has to be more to the story......Right???

So this story leaves me with more questions than answers. We know that he was fired but is there any proof that that's why he drove inside? Why was he even fired? Sure no matter what the reasoning is you probably shouldn't drive through a Walmart but. What were his motives? Was he mad at his boss or the corporation itself? Obviously, the store cant operate a functioning business after an incident like that. We know he was taken into custody yesterday. But what happens now? Who is going to clean up the Walmart? The Walmart employees probably are not expected to do that. And now they are out of work. Did this guy not expect to go to jail after this? At least he will have an interesting story to tell when he is asked what he's in for. I wonder how long it will be before this Walmart is open again. Why drive through the Walmart dude? Like it seems fun and all but I just don't see any benefit of doing this. Nobody is going to be mad at you. The entire Concord Community is laughing at you. If it were me and I wanted to drive through somewhere I'm not supposed to it would be the Speedway. I mean come on we are in Charlotte. The speedway would be way more fun and you probably wouldn't have gotten in as much trouble. I mean maybe I guess you are still breaking and entering but. 

Final Thoughts 

Ultimately it sucks that this happened not only for the employees but the business owners of the location. Now from an outsider's perspective, I find this to be really funny. Nobody was hurt and it just sounds so stupid. Like stealing the Mona Lisa kinda crazy. I have so many unanswered questions and this is the Walmart I've been going to for years. Well before this I thought those tall metal poles blocking cars were kind of pointless and unnessasary. Well, I still think that because obviously, they did not work. I am just glad that this is something I can laugh about and not a tragedy. 

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