Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blog Post 6: something I learned from EOTO

 The First Movies

I learned a lot from the each one teach one the other day. However, I found what Ben said about movies to be the most fascinating topic of them all. To think that the reason the invention was created in the first place was because of a stupid bet. The bet was that a horse is airborne when it runs. So a man created an invention called the zoopraxiscope to prove that he was right. This was the first moving picture. Later on the first movie was released in 1907 and it was called "A Trip to the Moon". It was under 15 minutes and when released in theaters typically included live performance doing the voice overs. Movies became moe popular in the 1920s. This led to the sucssess of the worlds first movie star being Charlie Chaplin. Another thing that I found interesting that Ben said was that back then the theaters were called palaces. Isnt that a little odd? Imagine going to a palace to watch a movie and a live performance and it costed only 25 cents. 

On another note something else that was interesting was the introduction of Facebook. I did not know that it was originally meant for college students to network with others. This sounds more like a Linked-in at first glance. Obviously, it became much more than that and opened up to other schools and eventually to the public. Anyone could get a Facebook. It became more than just a place to meet other students but a place to share pictures and interact with your peers. Facebook soon became the largest social media platform on the planet. Everyone and their grandma had a facebook. This allowed so many families to reconnect and see what people far away have been up to. It was a new beginning for technology. Eventually, Facebook bought Instagram and so their only real competitor for social media now is Twitter. And Twitter is a whole different breed.

The last topic that I found super interesting was the iPod. I find it oddly nostalgic. My father had the original iPod when I was young and I had an iPod nano and later an iPod Touch. The iPod and all of its itterations have been discontinued which sounds so weird to say. The reason the original iPod was so successful was the same reason cassette tapes were successful except this was more convenient and cheaper. The reason the iPod Touch were so successful was because it appealed to a bunch of kids who were not old enough for an iPhone. I was one of those kids and I had an iPod for a couple years. Nobody used the iPod Touch for the music. I mean I didn't even use the iPod Nano for music. I wanted to just play the games on it. I played breakout on the nano and a bunch of the early mobile games on the touch. Here is a link to bring you down memory lane.2010 mobile games

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