Thursday, April 22, 2021

Blog post 9: How technology spreads (Stock Market Investing)

 Why more and more people are investing.

People have been invested in the stock market for over a hundred years. However, the vast majority of the public was not investing until much much more recently. Let's go over the timeline of people when they started investing. cool facts

Exploratory: (Pioneers)

These were the first people to get into the stock market. They were primarily businessmen who lived in New York and had to physically go to Wall Street to buy and sell shares of a company. This lasted from the 1920s to 2006. You had to own a seat to be allowed in Wallstreet and they were worth millions of dollars until it was disbanded in 2006.

Early Adopters:

The next generation of shareholders is in more modern times. These people are people that wanted to get into the stock market but either A. did not live in New York or B. could not afford to go to Wallstreet. Now anyone could buy stocks online and was the turning point for a lot of the stock market's future.

Early Majority:

I would say investing became a lot more common especially after the BitCoin spike in 2015. This was huge and more and more people got into investing. I was in High School at the time and even some of my peers were investing.  I would say this era lasted from 2015-2020

Late Adapters:

I think the next major spike in new investors was actually after the Gamestop incident a few months ago. I was able to make about 1200$ off of Gamestop but I already owned a couple of shares for about a year. I started investing in 2019 so I am part of the last group. I remember in my Human Communication class I tried to get the class to join Robinhood which is an investing app for one of my projects. I think most of the class thought what I was saying was a scam. But now about half the class is using Robinhood after a year and a half. I find that very interesting. After the huge Bitcoin spike being worth nearly 50k, The GameStop incident, and most recently DogeCoin spiking. More and more people are joining the stock market. I feel that we are still in the late adapters category right now. 


I think that this category has not happened yet and hopefully, it won't be anytime soon. I would like to keep making money. 

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