Sunday, May 2, 2021

Final Blog Post

 Our Relationship with Technology

I think that overall Technology has caused more good than bad. While yes there is a lot of cyberbullying and people are always glued to their phones, Technology has allowed us to share content with anyone on the planet instantly. It allows information to be communicated much quicker. If anything Technology has saved more lives than caused deaths. With technology, we are able to communicate with others much quicker. Anything you want to know is a quick google search away. I think that for some people it can become a bad habit. I mean we are all guilty of it. I have this one game on my phone that I play for multiple hours every day. I will sometimes be riding in the car with my mom playing my game as she is talking to me and I am only half listening and it makes her angry. Despite all of this Technology has done some magnificent things. We are able to perform surgery across the country with robots. We also have access to any information instantly. Perhaps one of the most impactful things Technology has done for us is through the huge huge amounts of entertainment it can bring. Whether that be through watching Youtube or Netflix or playing a video game technology provides entertainment to everyone at some point or another. I think that our world is evolving and more accepting of technology. I grew up with it and so I understand it and think that it is normal. While someone who is older and has lived the majority of their life without a smart device always on them has a completely different point of view. I think that they probably have much better social skills than our generation and may find information more valuable. While my generation is quicker to learn things and more ambitious since they grew up being able to know anything whenever they want. I am a Game Design major so for me, technology is quite literally going to be my livelihood and future. Now putting the bias behind me I think that when determining if technology is healthy or unhealthy it really just depends on the person. Like most things in life I don't think it is fair to generalize it being flat out good or flat out bad. People can do good things with it like save lives or create something entertaining for people. But people can also do bad things with it like plan bomb heists or something. I think that overall technology is good for society and I don't think we should look at it as a bad thing. It really is what you do with it. Some people are glued to their phones and that's their personality. But not everyone is like that. I mean you can also find out a lot by googling someone. There are not many Ferris's out there so for me it's pretty easy. If you google me you will find my Instagram, Linkedin, and my Youtube channel from when I was young with a bunch of old Lego videos on it. There are also pictures of people who are not me. In those descriptions, it said Lewis Ferris so I think it is safe to assume that Ferris was their last name. Ferris Linkedin 

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Final Presentation

 Ferris's Relationship with Technology     Considering I am a Game Design major I would say that technology is going to play a huge part...